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By: I. Kan, M.A., Ph.D.
Medical Instructor, Lincoln Memorial University DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine
Evolution of the nipple valve in the Mainz pouch also occurred over time (Thuroff et al antifungal group buy grifulvin v 250 mg without a prescription, 1986; 1988; Hohenfellner et al antifungal cream for toenails buy discount grifulvin v line, 1990; Stein et al fungus grotto quality grifulvin v 250 mg, 1995). Most recently, the intussuscepted ileum was fixed with staples, passed through the intact ileocecal valve, and fixed again. Much as with the Kock pouch, the incidence of incontinence decreased with experience and modifications. The Mainz I pouch has been used in children with good results and low rates of incontinence using the latest modifications (Stein et al, 1995, 1997a; Steiner et al, 1998; Stein et al, 2000). Maintenance of normal upper tracts has been good, and metabolic problems rare (Stein et al, 1997b). Flap Valves and the Mitrofanoff Principle Mitrofanoff (1980) described a continence mechanism using the appendix and ureter to create a flap valve. He recognized that any tubular structure could be implanted effectively into a low-pressure reservoir. This continence mechanism circumvents many of the secondary potential complications associated with harvesting the ileocecal valve or using other gastrointestinal segments. The foundation for the success of the Mitrofanoff principle is based on creating a submucosal tunnel for a supple, small-diameter conduit. As the reservoir fills, the rise in intravesical pressure is transmitted through the epithelium and to the implanted conduit, coapting its lumen. The appendix is an ideal tubular structure that can be safely removed from the gastrointestinal tract without significant morbidity. The small caliber of the appendix facilitates creation of a short functional tunnel within the bladder wall. Experience has shown that continence can be achieved with only a 2-cm appendiceal tunnel (Kaefer and Retik, 1997). Whether implanted into a bowel segment or native bladder, the appendix has been used as an efferent limb with very good results (Jayanthi et al, 1995; Kaefer et al, 1997b; Mollard et al, 1997; Cain et al, 1999; VanderBrink et al, 2011). The appendix has been particularly useful in children because it is relatively longer and the abdominal wall generally thinner. The flap valve is likely the most reliable of all of the surgically constructed continence mechanisms. Some patients with a flap valve virtually never leak per stoma; this potentially puts them at risk for upper tract deterioration or spontaneous rupture of the bladder or reservoir if catheterization is not routinely performed. If the appendix is used in situ as a continence mechanism in a continent urinary reservoir, the reservoir by necessity will include the right colon. Duckett and Snyder (1986, 1987) used the right colon and appendix with good results in children. The mesoappendix, in most cases, allows mobilization of the appendix for use in the native bladder or virtually any reservoir. In most children good exposure to the appendix and reservoir can be achieved through a low midline or a transverse incision. On occasion, the cecum may be high in the abdomen, and mobilization of the ascending colon along the line of Toldt may be required to gain access to the appendix and its mesentery. Cadeddu and Docimo (1999) have used laparoscopy to aid in the mobilization of the ascending colon and cecum. Once the cecum has been mobilized, the base of the appendix is amputated, leaving a small cuff of cecum with the appendix. If the length of the appendix is marginal, a greater portion of the cecum can be harvested to effectively increase the functional length of the appendix (Cromie et al, 1991; Bruce and McRoberts, 1998). After harvesting, a location is selected for implantation of the appendix into the bladder.
Often a catheter may already be in place at the time of the study antifungal diaper cream effective grifulvin v 250mg, and it is important that the catheter be withdrawn gradually distal to the posterior urethra during the voiding phase of the study to offer unobstructed views of that segment antifungal lozenges grifulvin v 250 mg overnight delivery. A definition of black spot fungus grifulvin v 250 mg on line, Voiding cystourethrogram image demonstrates a dysmorphic, elongated bladder with dilated posterior urethra and classic appearance of posterior urethral valves. RadionuclideRenalScan the radionuclide renal scan offers quantification of differential renal function, and cortical deficits seen on the study may imply renal dysplasia when completed in the neonatal period. Mercaptoacetyltriglycine is a useful agent to evaluate renal functional contribution, though delayed emptying of nuclear tracer from the often dilated collecting systems should not be necessarily interpreted as ureterovesical junction obstruction requiring intervention. Placement of a urinary catheter is essential in a patient with vesicoureteral reflux to minimize error in the calculation of renal function. However, the serum creatinine plateau even in unaffected children may not be seen until days 65 to 220 of life (DeFoor et al, 2008, Boer et al, 2010). The infant may be noted to have difficulty with voiding, and the urinary stream may be weak or intermittent. A 5- or 7-Fr feeding tube, or similar caliber urinary catheter, should be inserted per urethra in an infant presenting to the LaboratoryEvaluation Laboratory evaluation of a newborn with a diagnosis of posterior urethral valves will, as with any newborn, reflect maternal values and must be interpreted with caution. The nadir creatinine Chapter141 PosteriorUrethralValvesandUrethralAnomalies 3259 Figure141-10. Plainradiographofa5-day-oldinfantwithposterior urethral valves and bronchopulmonary dysplasia, requiring airway support,showsreducedlungvolumeandleftupperandlowerlobe atelectasis. Sonographicimageofleftkidneyinanewborndiagnosed with posterior urethral valves shows a large urinoma. The urinoma compresses the renal parenchyma inferiorly and is containedwithintherenalcapsule. Catheter placement into the bladder may be impeded by the hypertrophied and often elevated bladder neck and curling of the catheter within the dilated posterior urethra. Minimizing any type of catheter balloon filling is important to prevent inducing bladder spasms in the small, hypertrophic bladder and potentially occluding the ureteric orifices (Jordan and Hoover, 1985). Placement of the catheter within the bladder may be confirmed by bladder sonography or, in some instances, a one-shot cystogram. Urinomas A urinoma is associated with posterior urethral valves in 3% to nearly 10% of cases. Forniceal rupture will appear on renal ultrasonography as distorted renal parenchyma resulting from fluid trapped within the renal capsule, whereas transperitoneal transudation of fluid or bladder rupture will present as neonatal ascites (Greenfield et al, 1982). It is only in cases in which the ascites is causing respiratory distress, severe abdominal distention, or other clinical symptoms that percutaneous drainage or tapping of ascites becomes necessary; these interventions are uncommon. There is some debate as to whether a urinoma heralds better or worse renal function for the affected side. Numerous studies have postulated that the urinoma serves as a pop-off mechanism, thereby reducing renal dysplasia on a given side, and some studies demonstrate globally preserved renal function, including an index of long-term renal severity (Rittenberg et al, 1988; Wells et al, 2010). The frequently cyanotic baby requires complex ventilatory support, and this is often the factor delaying definitive surgical intervention to address the valves. Pulmonary hypoplasia seen in the infant with a history of antenatally detected oligohydramnios may be the contributing factor to perinatal mortality in these children, requiring intensive and rapid supportive treatment (Pinar, 2004).
The most common complication in pediatric continent diversion antifungal deodorant cheap grifulvin v 250 mg mastercard, thus far fungus gnats and vinegar buy grifulvin v 250 mg with visa, has been stomal stenosis fungus pokemon generic 250mg grifulvin v fast delivery. Stenosis occurs more commonly at the umbilicus with use of appendix compared with tapered ileal segments (Fichtner et al, 1997; Kaefer et al, 1999b). Various skin flaps may be placed into the terminal end of the appendix or intestinal segment to lower the rate of stenosis but do not eliminate it (Kajbafzadeh et al, 1995; Landau et al, 2008). Ardelt and associates, after extensive review (2012), found no consensus that a single type of efferent limb is superior and suggested that the choice of technique should be individualized according to the case. Preoperative evaluation should identify upper tract obstruction or vesicoureteral reflux. Such problems should be corrected at the time of surgery, although low-grade secondary reflux will usually resolve spontaneously with correction of bladder dysfunction. It is imperative to provide the patient with an adequate bladder or reservoir, one capable of holding at low pressure a urinary volume that will be produced between voidings or catheterizations. This can be accomplished by either augmentation or construction of a continent reservoir using any gastrointestinal segment. If adequate outflow resistance is lacking, it should be created at the bladder neck to prevent incontinence. Any patient undergoing reconstructive surgery for bladder or sphincter dysfunction must be prepared and capable of performing intermittent catheterization on a reliable basis; most will require it routinely. The urothelial lining avoids much of the morbidity associated with intestinal segments. If necessary, however, virtually any portion of the lower urinary tract may be reconstructed or replaced using intestine. Unfortunately, occasional complications do occur when intestinal segments are used in that manner. Patients after reconstruction require a lifetime of follow-up, and that observation should include careful evaluation of their true quality of life. The most important factor in avoiding problems with such complex pediatric patients is the motivation of the patient and family to achieve a successful outcome. The efferent segment in continent urinary diversion: a comprehensive review of the literature. Urinary tract refunctionalization after long-term diversion: a 20 year experience with 177 patients. Some such surgery will still be necessary, and the patients must be carefully evaluated so that all problems are identified and addressed. Chapter145 UrinaryTractReconstructioninChildren 3367 Liard A, Seguier-Lipszyc E, Mathiot A, et al. Complications of augmentation in children and comparison of gastrointestinal segments. The gastrointestinal composite urinary reservoir in patients with myelomeningocele and exstrophy: long-term metabolic follow-up. Robot-assisted bladder neck reconstruction, bladder neck sling, and appendicovesicostomy in children: description of technique and initial results. Using a serosal trough for fashioning a continent catheterizable stoma: technique and outcomes.
Fifteen patients older than 16 years had engaged in satisfactory intercourse antifungal japan generic 250mg grifulvin v mastercard, and all reported orgasms and ejaculation with a straight penis on erection fungus zoysia grass grifulvin v 250mg fast delivery. Modern penile reconstructive techniques should create a straight and functional penis with a glanular meatus fungus no more buy grifulvin v american express, an easily catheterizable neourethral channel (if needed), and an acceptable cosmetic appearance. Many adolescents considered their odd-appearing genitalia with a short, widened penis upwardly deviated to be a greater psychosocial problem than incontinence, and therefore every effort should be made to restore the penis to a normal condition. Dissection of the urethral strip to inside the glans penis provides a ventral position of the urethra and the glans and submerges the urethra well below the corpora at the glans level. This approximation of raw surface of glanular tissues dorsally over the urethra is clearly why the incidence of fistula in the area of the corona is very rare compared with the Young repair. Fistulae in our patients usually appear at the base of the penis, where the urethra comes up proximally between the corporeal bodies. In modern exstrophy reconstructive techniques, most surgeons try to preserve the urethral plate at the time of exstrophy closure. Because the use of paraexstrophy skin flaps has been noted to be associated with the development of strictures, the use of these flaps is limited to selected patients in whom penile lengthening cannot be achieved with standard techniques. Although not a complication, a high percentage are made hypospadiac as the completely dissected urethral plate fails to reach the tip of the glans. As mentioned in the prior section on exstrophy closure, ischemic loss of the glans, urethral plate, and corpora have been reported by Hammouda (2003) and Husmann and Gearhart (2004) after penile disassembly. Cervellione and colleagues (2010) have reported the largest series of penile ischemic injury in the exstrophy-epispadias spectrum. Most occurred at the time of exstrophy closure, and 19 of 24 did not have a pelvic osteotomy. The suggested explanation by the authors was compression of the pudendal vessels owing to tension after pelvic apposition and/or direct injury to the pudendal vessels. Stopping the closure and doing an immediate osteotomy while the vessels had time to regain flow was the recommended course of action. Repair of the hypospadias in these patients has been reported by the Seattle group as not difficult or associated with major complications. However, data from Hafez and El-Sherbiny (2005) and Gearhart and Baird (2005) shows that difficulties can be associated with these repairs. In our opinion, none of the current epispadias repairs offers any significant gain in penile length by removal of the entire urethral plate from the glans or even the use of a free graft. Data reported by Silver and colleagues (1997b) clearly showed that although anterior corporeal length is significantly less in patients with exstrophy, posterior corporeal length is normal. These findings suggest that penile lengthening procedures at the time of epispadias repair improve apparent penile length and straighten the penis but do not transfer additional tissue. Young-Dees-Leadbetter procedure after complete primary repair of exstrophy as newborn. In our significant experience with adolescent exstrophy males with significant dorsal chordee, we agree with Perovic and colleagues (1999) that movement of the neurovascular bundles along with incision and grafting of the resultant defect gives better results long term than incision and corpora cavernostomy. Typically in our experience, incision and rotation are used only for older patients with marked chordee. In the patients in whom corporeal rotation is used without corporeal incision and anastomosis, the neurovascular bundle is left intact and not dissected from its bed. Although review of findings reveals that almost all penises are straight or deflected downward, many of these patients are still young children.
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