Deputy Director, Michigan State University College of Human Medicine
Procedures on the knee require anesthesia of the femoral and the obturator nerves what causes erectile dysfunction cure order viagra jelly online from canada, although postoperative analgesia of the knee can usually be provided by femoral nerve block alone erectile dysfunction caused by spinal stenosis generic 100 mg viagra jelly amex. Single-injection femoral nerve block provides suitable postoperative analgesia after total knee arthroplasty while sparing 2444 the side effects of intrathecal morphine erectile dysfunction causes high blood pressure buy 100 mg viagra jelly with amex. The block sites for the femoral, lateral femoral cutaneous, and obturator nerves are illustrated in Figure 36-15. The femoral artery descends at the "midinguinal point," at the junction between the medial third and lateral two-thirds of the inguinal ligament, although it is most superficial at the femoral crease. Needling: A skin wheal is raised lateral to the area where the femoral artery pulsation is felt, and a 50-mm, 22-gauge insulated needle is inserted perpendicular to the skin or using a cephalad angle of approximately 30 degrees. Aspiration is performed frequently since the femoral artery is situated close to the nerve. Branches to the sartorius muscle arise just inferior to the inguinal ligament and leave the femoral nerve proximal to the main block location site; a response of this muscle to stimulation often indicates that the needle is too superficial and medial to the main femoral nerve. Two pops are felt when the needle traverses the fascia lata and fascia iliaca and enters the iliopsoas muscle. Injection: Injection of 20 mL (or less) of local anesthetic should suffice for sole femoral nerve anesthesia. Twenty to thirty milliliters of local anesthetic may be required for the fascia iliaca block. Position the probe transverse to the nerve axis at the level of the inguinal crease. Appearance: the nerve lies about 1 cm lateral and deep to the large, circular, anechoic, and pulsatile femoral artery. The nerve often appears triangular in shape and of variable size due to its irregular course; early branching above the inguinal ligament can increase the transverse diameter of the nerve. The fascia lata (most superficial) and fascia iliaca (immediately adjacent to the nerve and in fact separating the nerve from the artery) may be seen superficial to the femoral nerve and often appear bright and longitudinally angled. Needling: Place the nerve at the medial edge of the screen, with the probe capturing a transverse view of the neurovascular structures. The needle should be inserted using an acute (30 to 45 degrees) angle to maximize viewing. Local anesthetic spread: Performing a test dose with D5W is 2446 Procedure Using Ultrasound Imaging. Local anesthetic spread should occur within the fascial space surrounding the nerve. The solution may displace the nerve medially toward or laterally away from the artery. Figure 36-35 Arrangement of relevant anatomy for ultrasound-guided femoral nerve block. The probe is placed in a slightly oblique plane (at the level of and parallel to the inguinal crease) to capture the nerve in short axis lateral to the femoral artery. The needle (not shown) can be visualized as it transects the fascia lata and fascia iliaca. It has been shown that an approximate 10 degree cephalad or caudad tilt of the transducer can make the nerve isoechoic (similar-appearing) to the underlying iliopsoas muscle. An insulated needle (22 gauge, 50 mm; 35 mm for children) is inserted using a perpendicular approach if the puncture is close to the anterior superior iliac spine or in a lateral direction if it is at a distance.
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