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By: X. Derek, M.A.S., M.D.
Co-Director, Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences
During inspiration muscle relaxant for joint pain discount baclofen 25mg otc, intrapleural pressure becomes negative that causes lung expansion due to which pressure decreases in the airways muscle relaxant essential oils purchase baclofen 25 mg overnight delivery. This is normally observed in large airways muscle relaxant easy on stomach purchase 10 mg baclofen otc, espe cially in the trachea and large bronchi. Therefore, in fast and deep breathing, the sound is heard both in inspiration and expiration. Details of dynamics of inspiratory and expiratory flows and their importance are discussed above (in lung vol umes and capacities). P -P Raw = mouth A V Alveolar Stability Alveolar stability is maintained by two factors: 1. Principle of interdependence Interdependence is the mutual support among adja cent alveoli. They support each other because of their structural arrangement (with many interconnecting links). This is because, when alveoli tend to collapse, surrounding alveoli develop greater expanding forces. Thus, interdependence not only prevents atelectasis but also opens up alveoli that have already collapsed. Site of Resistance the primary site of airway resistance is the medium bron chi (lobar and segmental) and bronchi down to about the seventh generation. Thus, one would expect that the small airways would offer more resistance to airflow. However, contribution of by small airways to the total airway resis tance is only about 10 to 15%. This is because most of the small airways are aligned in parallel and the total surface area of small airways (like capillaries in vascular system) is more. Under dynamic conditions (during airflow), force is not only required to maintain the lung and chest wall at certain volume but also to overcome the inertia and resistance of tissues and air molecules. Clinical Importance In the early stage, airway diseases mainly affect small air ways. However, diagnosing diseases in the initial stage 902 Section 10: Respiratory System. Diameter of airways: Caliber of the airway is the most important factor affecting airway resistance. Lung volume: Lung volume is among the major factors affecting airway resistance because caliber of airways is directly proportionate to the lung volumes. Thus, airway resistance decreases during inspiration and increases during expiration. It should be noted that airway resistance rises sharply at low lung vol umes. Bronchial smooth muscle tone: Bronchial smooth muscle tone also affects airway resistance as it con trols airway diameter. Parasympathetic: Parasympathetic (vagal cho linergic fibers) stimulation causes bronchial constriction and increases mucus secretion. Sympathetic: Sympathetic Stimulation (adrener gic fibers) causes bronchodilation and inhibits glandular secretion. Activation of 2 receptors causes bronchodilation increases bronchial secre tion, whereas activation of 2 receptors inhibits secretion. Humoral factors: Epinephrine, norepinephrine and other hormones that stimulate 2adrenergic receptors cause dilation of airways.
However spasms behind knee buy 25mg baclofen visa, renin concentration remains normal in oneclip onekidney Goldblatt hypertension muscle relaxant sciatica order baclofen 25 mg fast delivery. Saltinduced hypertension (in saltsensitive rats) Increased atherosclerosis: Accelerated atherosclero sis occurs commonly in hypertensive patients spasms of the bladder discount baclofen 25mg overnight delivery. Atheroscle rosis and decreased compliance of the vessel wall result in narrowing of the vessel lumen. Hypertension causes the development of cerebral vascular microaneurysm (Charcot-Bouchard aneurysm). Increased arterial pressure and vascular microaneurysm result in cerebral hemorrhage. Effects on Kidney Arteriosclerosis occurs in afferent and efferent arterioles and glomerular capillaries. Physiological Basis of Management Primary hypertension, in its early phase can be treated without drugs. The treatment includes weight reduction, dietary alteration, physical exercise and mental relaxa tion. However, for secondary hypertension, and in chronic or advanced stage of hypertension, antihypertensive drugs are required for reducing the blood pressure. Effects of Hypertension Chronic hypertension results in following physiological alterations. Compensation for increased excessive workload on heart occurs first by concentric left ventricular hypertrophy that increases the wall thickness. Weight Reduction As hypertension is common in obese persons, reduction of body weight should be an integral part of treatment of all obese hypertensives. It has been observed that with reduction of 1 kg of body weight the blood pressure usu ally decreases by about 2 mm Hg. Dietary Modification As salt accumulation causes water retention and increases blood volume, restriction of salt in the diet decreases blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Experimentally, it has been observed that salt restriction decreases blood pressure in salt sensitive animals. Restriction of fat, especially animal fat in the diet decreases the process of atherosclerosis and there fore, reduces blood pressure. On Blood Vessels Hypertension produces stiffness of the vessel wall and decreases vascular compliance. Decreased vascular compliance: the blood vessels become stiff (less compliant) due to increased smooth muscles in their wall in response to chronic wall stress. Fibers in the diet decrease the absorption of fat from the intestine and therefore, pre vent hyperlipidemia. Calcium Channel Blockers Calcium channel blockers like verapamil (a phenyl alkylamine derivative) and diltiazem (a benzothiazepine) inhibit calcium entry into the cells by interacting with spe cific binding sites on the 1subunit of the L-type of voltage-dependent calcium channel. Verapamil and diltiazem also slow atrioventricular conduction that decreases heart rate. Regular Physical Exercise Regular practice of isotonic exercise is very helpful in reducing blood pressure and body weight. Regular exercise controls blood pressure by decreasing the sympathetic tone and increasing vagal tone. Diuretics Thiazide diuretics are frequently used in the treatment of hypertension. Spironolactone decreases the effect of mineralocorti coid on kidney and causes renal sodium loss (it is effective, especially in hypertension due to hyperaldosteronism).
The lacrimal gland present at the lateral corner of the eye secretes a complex liquid known as tear that keeps the cornea moistened muscle relaxant easy on stomach order 10mg baclofen visa. When the eyes are open gastrointestinal spasms discount baclofen 10mg without prescription, this allows oxygen to diffuse from the atmosphere to the corneal cells spasms esophagus cheap baclofen 25 mg with amex, as they do not have blood supply. The tears flush away the foreign particles and their lysozymes and antibodies prevent infection. It is drained through the naso-lacrimal duct located at the medial corner of the eye. In the absence of emotional or external stimuli, blinking helps in spreading of the film of tear over cornea and keep it moistened. Some amount of water from the tear gets evaporated through the corneal epithelium to air. Partial dehydration of the cornea is necessary for its transparency but a totally dry cornea soon loses its transparency and a hydrated cornea becomes chalky white. Thus, precise regulation of the stromal water content is essential for the clarity of vision. Cornea the anterior one-sixth of the sclera, which is transparent and more convex is called cornea. The curvature of the cornea contributes to most of the refractive power of the eye. Epithelium: Anteriorly, the cornea is covered by a stratified squamous epithelium that is thin, transparent and continuous with the bulbar conjunctiva. It contains many blood vessels that provide nourishment to the structures of the eye. The membrane of Bruch lines the inner side of the choroid and separates it from the retina. Beneath this membrane, the choroidal blood vessels divide to form capillaries that supply nutrition to the outer portion of the retina by diffusion. The blood vessels of choroid are bound together by connective tissue containing pigmented cells called chromatophores. The sensory supply to the choroid is from the trigeminal nerve fibers and autonomic neurons have vasomotor function. Inflammation of the choroid is known as choroiditis that invariably involves the retina causing chorioretinitis. It is a triangular structure with its base directed forwards and medially and its apex is continuous with the choroid posteriorly. Parts of Ciliary Body: the ciliary body consists of two parts: the ciliary muscle on the outer side and the ciliary processes at the inner side: i. The ciliary muscle is made up of circular and radial multiunit smooth muscle fibers that are supplied by the ciliary ganglion, which in turn gets activated by the Edinger Westphal nucleus of the oculomotor nerve. The ciliary body attaches to the peripheral ends of the zonule (suspensory ligaments) that hold the lens in position. The contraction of the ciliary muscles pulls the zonule medially causing relaxation of the ligaments and the lens becomes more convex. From the inner aspect of the ciliary body several fine projections arise, called ciliary processes that are lined by ciliary epithelium and contain many capillaries interspersed with connective tissues.
In the descending limb of vasa recta spasms early pregnancy baclofen 10 mg cheap, solutes diffuse into the vessels (that carries blood into the medullary pyramid) infantile spasms 2013 25mg baclofen, and in the ascending limb solutes diffuse out of the vessel that carries blood toward the cortex muscle relaxant rocuronium buy baclofen australia. Water diffuses out of the descending limb and into the ascending limb of the vasa recta. Role of Vasa Recta: the CounterCurrent Exchanger the concentration gradient generated by loop of Henle will not be long lasting if NaCl and urea accumulated in the interstitium are removed by circulation. This causes a higher osmolality in the medullary inter stitium, which is further enhanced by diffusion of urea from the collecting duct into it. Water also moves out passively from collecting duct, but water is removed from interstitium by vasa recta. Consequently, an osmolality of about 1200 to 1400 mosm/kg of H2O is maintained in the deepest portion of medulla. A maintained higher osmolality in medulla causes transfer of water from collecting duct and makes urine concentrated. The osmotic gradient created in the medullary interstitium reabsorbs water from the tubule & makes urine concentrated. In examination, "Describe the countercurrent mechanism of urine concentration" is usually asked as Long Questions. Explain the role of the loop of Henle as countercurrent multiplier, Explain the role of the vasa recta as countercurrent exchanger, Explain the role of collecting duct in countercurrent mechanism in kidney, may be asked as Short Questions in exam. The volume of urine is determined by the quantity of water reabsorbed from renal tubule. Aquaporins Transport of water across the membrane of epithelial cells depends on the presence of aquaporins, the water channels made up of proteins. Aquaporins1 and 2 are mainly involved in water reabsorption from kidney (Table 80. Scientist contributed Dr Peter Agre received Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2003, for his unique discovery of aquaporins (water channels) that revolutionized the mechanism of water absorption from kidney tubules and other epithelia of the body. While Types of Water Reabsorption Water reabsorption in renal tubules is of two types: oblig atory and facultative. Obligatory Reabsorption Obligatory reabsorption of water is the water reabsorp tion that occurs secondary to reabsorption of solutes. This accounts for about 85% of the total water reabsorption in tubules and most part of it occurs in proximal tubule. Peter Agre isolating Rh antigen protein, Agre and colleagues found another protein of 28kDa from the red cells, the water pores (the aquaporins). Facultative Reabsorption Facultative reabsorption of water is the water reabsorption that occurs secondary to the effects of hormone, especially Aquaporins in Kidney Most of the aquaporins are found in kidney. Aquaporin-1 is found mainly in proximal tubule and loop of Henle, and 706 Section 8: Renal System Table 80. This signifies the importance of aquaporin 1 in proximal tubule in water reabsorption (for details of aqua porins, refer page 594). Aquaporins in Extrarenal Tissues In addition, aquaporin-5 is found in lacrimal gland and aquaporin-9 is present in liver, spleen, lungs, and leuco cytes. Structure and Functions of Aquaporins Aquaporins were discovered by Peter Agre and his team. Aquaporins have six membrane spanning regions, with intracellular membrane spanning both amino and carboxy terminals. They form tetramers in the cell membrane, with each monomer acting as a water channel. The distribution and function of main 9 types of aqua porins are listed in Table 80.
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