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By: O. Malir, M.A., Ph.D.
Professor, The Ohio State University College of Medicine
Nonmyoinvasive endometrial adenocarcinoma with involvement of an irregular endometrial-myometrial junction acne x factor order 20 gm cleocin gel otc. A: Note the presence of an elongated skin care images buy cleocin gel 20gm overnight delivery, benign endometrial gland at the deep aspect of the tumor skin care clinique order generic cleocin gel on line. The lymphoid rather than endometrial stromal nature of the aggregate of small blue cells is supported by the intraepithelial location of a few of these cells. This opened half of a lightly formalin-fixed uterus demonstrates the presence of a shaggy. This section through a formalinfixed uterine wall demonstrates a light wn to pale yellow serous carcinoma with myometrial invasion. The papillary architecture of the tumor imparts a shaggy and/or granular appearance to its cut surface. Careful gross examination will often reveal a granular or shaggy appearp ance due to the presence of papillations (Ft. Myoinvasive foci of serous carcinoma may be grossly inconspicuous and require numerous sections fur identification. C: Typical pattern of diffuse strong nuclear immunoreactivity of serous carcinoma for p53. Scattered monstrous, pleomorphic nuclear forms with dark, smudged chromatin arc often presp cnt, typically simulating an "umbrella cell layer" or protruding into gland lumens in a hobnail fashion. There is brisk mitotic activity, and atypical division figures are usually readily identified. Compare the high-grade nuclear features of this tumor with the strip of nonneoplastic endometrial epithelium in the lower left corner. Psammoma bodies an: present in approxip mately 30% of the cases, but an: not entirely specific for this of carcinoma. Occasionally, serous carcinomas exhibit prominent glanp dular differentiation that takes the form of tubular spaces. In these cases, it is the presp ence of bighpgrade nuclear features, coupled with supportive evidence of serous differentiation (focal papillae and/or slitp like spaces) and/or an immunophenotype that includes p16 type positivity, p53 positivity, and progesterone receptor negativity, that helps to establish a diagnosis of serous carcinoma. The presence of cells with large, bizarre nuclei with smudged, darl< chromatin is a common finding. The malignant glands in areas of myoinvasion often exhibit a "gaping gland" pattern with intraluminal hobnail cells and micropapillary projections. Uterine serous carcinomas have been previously reported to be frequently admixed with other types ofcarcinoma. Serous carcinoma in an area where slit-like glandular spaces are a prominent feature. The inset highlights the similarity in the nuclear features between the glandular and solid components. Some serous carcinomas have areas with dear cell differenp tiarion, but many investigators allow fOci that would otherwise qualify as clear cell carcinoma within tumors that are diagnosed as serous cucinoma. Gross and microscopic correlates of a mixed uterine serous carcinoma and grade 3 endometrioid adenocarcinoma. A: the surface epithelium {at left) and a few superficial glands have been replaced by malignant cells similar to those present in full-fledged serous carcinoma. One gland with cystic atrophy and a smaller proliferative-type gland are also present. Taking the hunt for precursors of uterine serous carcinomas one step further, researchers have identified isolated, benign-appearing endometrial glands that strongly express p53 (so-called p53 signatures), although the significance of this finding when encowttered in benign conditions is unknown. Serous cucinomas have a propensity fur deep in6ltration of the myometrium, angiolymphatic invasion.
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It raises the possibility of tuberculous endometritis skin care natural remedies discount cleocin gel 20 gm fast delivery, which is associated with tuberculous salpingitis acne keloidalis cure purchase 20gm cleocin gel visa, systemic disease skin care expiration date cleocin gel 20 gm sale, and infertility. B: Mid-secretory endometJium with neutrophilrich luminal contents {two different examples). This isolated finding is of no known significance, and should nat be interpreted as acute endomettitis. Sheets of foamy histiocytes are present beneath the endometrial surface epithelium. Definitive diagnosis usually requires identification of the microorganism in cultures of fresh tissue or via molecular methods on paraffin-embedded material. Distinction of endometrial-based granulomas from squamous morules is discussed in the section on morular/squamous metaplasia. Xantltogranulomatous Endometritis Xanthogranulomatous endometritis is an unusual infWnmatory reaction that currendy occurs primarily in postmenopausal women with pyometra or hematometra associated with. The occasional finding of nodular aggregates of histiocytes within an endometrial sample is distinguished by the less-abundant. B: Numerous histiocytes with abundant foamy to eosinophi lie cytoplasm obliterate 1he normal endometrial architecture. Although often asymptomatic, these polyps can cause ahnonnal uterine bleeding when their surfaces have been traumatized or when they have undergone some degree of hemorrhagic infarction related to torsion of their stalks. Endometrial polyps may be pedunculated or sessile, and range in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters. Their external surface is smooth with occasional lobularions, and their cut surface is tan and rubbery and may exhibit scattered cysts or varying degrees of hemorrhage. In curettage specimens, most polyps are fragmented and admixed with other pieces of endometrium; in such cases, the polyps are often grossly recognizable as 6rm, polypoid fragments whose presence should be noted in the gross description. Histologically, the appearance of endometrial polyps is quite variable, depending on the characteristics of the glands and stroma and the degree of prominence of the supporting vasculature. The glands of endometrial polyps have an altered architecture characterized by variation in size, shape, extent of crowding, and degree ofcystic dilatation, and are lined by cells that range from atrophic: to pseudostrati6cd and mitotic:ally active. For most endometrial polyps, the glandular component has a low-magnification appearance similar to that ofdisordered proliferative endometrium, and it is generally ac:cepted to allow endometrial polyps to exhibit architectural glandular changes that would otherwise be considered within the spectrum of simple hyperplasia without atypia or low-end complex hyperplasia without Bagging these polyps as being out of the range of normal. The stroma is often at least partially hypocellular and fibrotic:, which is typical of polyps from postmenopausal women. A: Cross section 1hrough a formalin-fixad, 7-cm sessile polypoid mass (myometrium is at left). B: Histologic examination of this well-sampled lesion shows an endometrial polyp composed of dilated glands set within a fibrous stroma. Polyps originating near the intcmal os may exhibit hybrid features of endocervical and endometrial polyps. This polyp has predominantly endometrial-type stroma and exhibits the feature of elongated endometrial glands oriented parallel to the surface epithelium. Endometrioid adenocarcinoma replacing the superficial portion of an endometrial polyp {inset and far right of image).
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