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By: A. Makas, M.S., Ph.D.
Clinical Director, Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine
Clinically medications via ng tube cheap trazodone online, traumatic neuroma usually appears as a freely movable nodule at the site of nerve injury and is characterized by pain symptoms renal failure discount trazodone 100mg on line, particularly on palpation medications qt prolongation discount trazodone online amex. Traumatic neuroma of the injured motor nerve prevents reinnervation of the affected muscle. In myelinated nerves, Schwann cells produce the myelin sheath from compacted layers of their own cell membranes that are wrapped concentrically around the nerve cell process. The junction between two adjacent Schwann cells is called the node of Ranvier and is where electrical impulse is regenerated for high-speed propagation along the axon. In unmyelinated nerves, nerve processes are enveloped in the cytoplasm of Schwann cells. Neurons do not divide; however, in certain regions of the brain, neural stem cells may divide and differentiate into new neurons. Each neuron consists of a cell body or perikaryon (contains the nucleus, Nissl bodies, and other organelles), an axon (usually the longest process of the cell body; transmits impulses away from the cell body), and several dendrites (shorter processes that transmit impulses toward the cell body). Neurons communicate with other neurons and with effector cells by specialized junctions called synapses. The most common type of synapses is chemical synapses, in which neurotransmitters are released from a presynaptic neuron and bind to receptors located on the postsynaptic neuron (or target cell). A chemical synapse has a presynaptic element (filled with synaptic vesicles containing neurotransmitter), a synaptic cleft (separates the presynaptic neuron from the postsynaptic neuron), and a postsynaptic membrane (containing receptors for neurotransmitter). It is protected by with specialized nerve endings (synapses) and ganglia containing nerve cell bodies. Individual nerve fibers are held together by connective tissue organized into endoneurium (surrounds each individual nerve fiber and associated Schwann cell), perineurium (surrounds each nerve fascicle), and epineurium (surrounds a peripheral nerve and fills the spaces between nerve fascicles). In the brain, the gray matter forms an outer layer of the cerebral cortex, whereas the white matter forms the inner core that is composed of axons, associated glial cells, and blood vessels. In the spinal cord, gray matter exhibits a butterfly-shaped inner substance, whereas the white matter occupies the periphery. The cerebral cortex contains nerve cell bodies, axons, dendrites, and central glial cells. Presynaptic neurons of the sympathetic division are located in the thoracolumbar portion of the spinal cord, whereas the presynaptic neurons of the parasympathetic division are located in the brain stem and sacral spinal cord. This difference is related to the inability of oligodendrocytes and microglia cells to efficiently phagocytose myelin debris. Traumatic degeneration occurs in the proximal part of the injured nerve, followed by neural regeneration, in which Schwann cells divide and develop cellular bands that guide the growing axonal sprouts to the effector site. Sympathetic ganglia constitute a major subclass of autonomic ganglia; parasympathetic ganglia and enteric ganglia constitute the other subclasses. Sympathetic ganglia are located in the sympathetic chain (paravertebral ganglia) and on the anterior surface of the aorta (prevertebral ganglia). Parasympathetic ganglia (terminal ganglia) are located in, or close to , the organs innervated by their postsynaptic neurons. The enteric ganglia are located in the submucosal plexus and the myenteric plexus of the alimentary canal. They receive parasympathetic presynaptic input as well as intrinsic input from other enteric ganglia and innervate smooth muscle of the gut wall. A sympathetic ganglion stained with silver and counterstained with H&E is illustrated here.
Another common cause of damage to articular cartilages is the deposition of crystals of uric acid in the joints treatment 4s syndrome buy trazodone 100 mg otc, particularly those of the toes and fingers symptoms quiz order discount trazodone line. Gout has become more common because of the widespread use of thiazide diuretics in the treatment of hypertension medicine under tongue cheapest generic trazodone uk. In genetically predisposed individuals, gout is the most common side effect of these drugs. The irritation also causes the formation of calcareous deposits that deform the joint and limit its motion. Where a bone articulates with a neighboring bone, as in synovial joints, the contact areas of the two bones are referred to as articular surfaces. The articular surfaces are covered by hyaline cartilage, also called articular cartilage because of its location and function; articular cartilage is exposed to the joint cavity. The details of articular cartilage are discussed in Chapter 7 (page 199) and in Folder 8. In the adult, red marrow is normally restricted to the spaces of spongy bone in a few locations such as the sternum and the iliac crest. Diagnostic bone marrow samples and marrow for transplantation are obtained from these sites. Bone Cavities Bone cavities are lined by endosteum, a layer of connective tissue cells that contains osteoprogenitor cells. The lining tissue of both the compact bone facing the marrow cavity and the trabeculae of spongy bone within the cavity is referred to as endosteum. Osteoprogenitor cells and bone-lining cells are difficult to distinguish at the microscopic level. They are both flattened in shape with elongated nuclei and indistinguishable cytoplasmic features. Because of their location within the bone cavities, they are frequently called endosteal cells. Red bone marrow consists of blood cells in different stages of development and a network of reticular cells and fibers that serve as a supporting framework for the developing blood cells and vessels. As an individual grows, the amount of red marrow does not increase proportionately with bone growth. In later stages of growth and in adults, when the rate of blood cell formation has diminished, the tissue in the marrow cavity consists mostly of fat cells; it is then called yellow marrow. In response to appropriate Mature bone is largely composed of cylindrical units called osteons or Haversian systems. Canaliculi containing the processes of osteocytes are generally arranged in a radial pattern with respect to the canal (Plate 11, page 244). The system of canaliculi that opens to the osteonal canal also serves for the passage of substances between the osteocytes and blood vessels. Between the osteons are remnants of previous concentric lamellae called interstitial lamellae. The collagen fibers in the concentric lamellae in an osteon are laid down parallel to one another in any given lamella but in different directions in adjacent lamellae. This arrangement gives the cut surface of lamellar bone the appearance of plywood and imparts great strength to the osteon. Circumferential lamellae follow the entire inner and outer circumferences of the shaft of a long bone, appearing much like the growth rings of a tree. Nutrient foramina are openings in the bone through which blood vessels pass to reach the marrow.
Cargo receptors recognize and bind to specific molecules that come in contact with the plasma membrane medications that cause tinnitus buy trazodone 100mg on line. Clathrin molecules then assemble into a basket-like cage that helps change the shape of the plasma membrane into a vesicle-like invagination medicine x protein powder cheap trazodone online mastercard. This drawing shows the steps in the phagocytosis of a large particle medicine etodolac order trazodone in india, such as a bacterium that has been killed as a result of an immune response. The bacterium is surrounded by antibodies attached to the bacterial surface antigens. Fc receptors on the surface of the plasma membrane of the phagocytotic cells recognize the Fc portion of the antibodies. Depolymerizations and repolymerizations of actin filaments produce temporary projections of the plasma membrane called pseudopodia. By targeted delivery of lysosomal enzymes, a phagosome matures into a lysosome that digests its phagocytosed content. Nonbiologic materials such as inhaled carbon particles, inorganic dusts, and asbestos fibers, as well as cellular debris resulting from inflammation, are internalized without involvement of antibodies and Fc receptors. This diagram shows the steps in receptor-mediated endocytosis, a transport mechanism that allows selected molecules to enter the cell. Cargo receptors recognize and bind specific molecules that come in contact with the plasma membrane. Clathrin interactions then assist the plasma membrane to change shape to form a deep depression, a fully formed coated pit that becomes pinched off from the plasma membrane by the protein complex dynamin as a coated vesicle. Selected cargo proteins and their receptors are thus pulled from the extracellular space into the lumen of a forming coated vesicle. After budding and internalization of the vesicle, the coat proteins are removed and recycled for further use. The uncoated vesicle travels to its destination to fuse with a cytoplasmic organelle. Electron micrograph of the cytoplasmic surface of the plasma membrane of A431 cells prepared by the quick-freeze deep-etch technique. This image shows coated pits and clathrin-coated vesicles in different stages of their formation. Note that the coated pits and clathrin-coated vesicles are formed in areas devoid of actin filaments. The small uniform pinocytotic vesicles do not have a clathrin coat and are located in close proximity to actin filaments. Thus, selected cargo proteins and their receptors are pulled from the extracellular space into the lumen of a forming vesicle. The type of vesicle formed as a result of receptor-mediated endocytosis is referred to as a coated vesicle, and the process itself is known as clathrin-dependent endocytosis. Clathrin-coated vesicles are also involved in the movement of the cargo material from the plasma membrane to early endosomes and from the Golgi apparatus to the early and late endosomes. The next step involves sorting and packaging the secretory product into transport vesicles that are destined to fuse with the plasma membrane in a process known as exocytosis.
The individual nerve fibers and their associated Schwann cells are held together by connective tissue organized into three distinctive components symptoms liver cancer purchase 100 mg trazodone overnight delivery, each with specific morphologic and functional characteristics symptoms esophageal cancer buy 100 mg trazodone with visa. The perineurium includes specialized connective tissue surrounding each nerve fascicle symptoms jaundice buy 100 mg trazodone amex. The perineurium (P), consisting of several cell layers, is seen at the left of the micrograph. The enclosure of this group of axons represents the root of a small nerve branch that is joining or leaving the larger fascicle. The area within the circle encompassing the endothelium of the vessel and the adjacent perineurial cytoplasm is shown in the inset at higher magnification. Note the basal (external) laminae of the vessel and the perineurial cell (arrows). The junction between endothelial cells of the blood vessel is also apparent (arrowheads). The innermost perineurial cell layer (right) exhibits tight junctions (asterisks) where one cell is overlapping a second cell in forming the sheath. Endoneurium constitutes the loose connective tissue associated with individual nerve fibers. The endoneurium is not conspicuous in routine light microscope preparations, but special connective tissue stains permit its demonstration. At the electron microscope level, collagen fibrils that constitute the endoneurium are readily apparent. The fibrils run both parallel to , and around, the nerve fibers, binding them together into a fascicle or bundle. Because fibroblasts are relatively sparse in the interstices of the nerve fibers, it is likely that most of the collagen fibrils are secreted by the Schwann cells. This conclusion is supported by tissue culture studies in which collagen fibrils are formed in pure cultures of Schwann cells and dorsal root neurons. Other than occasional fibroblasts, the only other connective tissue cells normally found within the endoneurium are mast cells and macrophages. Macrophages mediate immunologic surveillance and also participate in nerve tissue repair. In general, most of the nuclei (90%) found in cross-sections of peripheral nerves belong to Schwann cells; the remaining 10% is equally distributed between the occasional fibroblasts and other cells such as endothelial cells of capillaries, macrophages, and mast cells. Surrounding the nerve bundle is a sheath of unique connective tissue cells that constitutes the perineurium. The perineurium may be one or more cell layers thick, depending on the nerve diameter. The cells that compose this layer are squamous; each layer exhibits an external (basal) lamina on both surfaces. The cells are contractile and contain an appreciable number of actin filaments, a characteristic of smooth muscle cells and other contractile cells. Moreover, when there are two or more perineurial cell layers (as many as five or six layers may be present in larger nerves), collagen fibrils are present between the perineurial cell layers, but fibroblasts are absent. In effect, the arrangement of these cells as a barrier-the presence of tight junctions and external (basal) lamina material-liken them to an epithelioid tissue.
Specimens prepared in this manner are of value chiefly to display the architecture of the compact bone medicine 0025-7974 purchase generic trazodone on line. In the shaft of a long bone symptoms yellow fever generic 100mg trazodone fast delivery, the long axes of the osteons are oriented parallel to the long axis of the bone medicine 014 trazodone 100mg with visa. Thus, a cross-section through the shaft of a long bone would reveal the osteons in cross-section, as in this figure. Because the organic material is not retained in ground sections, the Haversian canals and other spaces will appear black, as they do here, if filled with India ink or air. Concentric layers of mineralized substance, the concentric lamellae, surround the Haversian canal and appear much the same as growth rings of a tree. During the period of bone growth and during adult life, there is constant internal remodeling of bone. The breakdown of an osteon is usually not complete; however, part of the osteon may remain intact. This figure shows a higher magnification micrograph of the labeled osteon from the upper figure. Note the lacunae (L) and the fine thread-like profiles emanating from the lacunae. These thread-like profiles represent the canaliculi, spaces within the bone matrix that contain cytoplasmic processes of the osteocyte. The canaliculi of each lacuna communicate with canaliculi of neighboring lacunae to form a three-dimensional channel system throughout the bone. In a still higher magnification, the circumferential lamellae are found around the shaft of the long bone at the outer as well as the inner surface of the bone. The osteoblasts that contribute to the formation of circumferential lamellae at these sites come from the periosteum and endosteum, respectively, whereas the osteons are constructed from osteoblasts in the canal of the developing Haversian system. The latter are just barely defined by the faint lines (arrows) that extend across the micrograph. This change in orientation accounts for the faint line or interface between adjacent lamellae. It is the mineralization of the matrix that sets bone tissue apart from the other connective tissues and results in an extremely hard tissue that is capable of providing support and protection to the body. Both can be mobilized from the bone matrix and taken up by the blood as needed to maintain normal levels. Other matrix proteins that constitute the ground substance of bone such as proteoglycan macromolecules, multiadhesive glycoproteins, growth factors, and cytokines are also present. Bone is typically studied in histological preparations by removing the calcium content of the bone (decalcified bone), thus allowing it to be sectioned like other soft tissues. The interior of the head of the bone, the epiphysis (E), consists of spongy (cancellous) bone made up of an anastomosing network of trabeculae (T) in the form of bone spicules. The articular surface of the epiphysis within the top right box on the orientation micrograph containing articular cartilage and the underlying bone tissue is shown here at higher magnification. Note the presence of isogenous groups of chondrocytes (Ch), a characteristic feature of growing cartilage. The osteocytes lie within the bone matrix but are typically recognized only by their nuclei. Because bone matrix is laid down in layers (lamellae), bone characteristically shows linear or circular patterns surrounding Haversian canals.
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